Research Papers: Iraj Ershaghi

Monterey Reservoirs of Offshore California

By Iraj Ershaghi, Donald L. Paul, Saran Kaba

Society of Petroleum Engineers


In this paper we discuss our studies conducted on two California offshore fields that may be abandoned in near future. The purpose of the study was to examine the feasibility of re-purposing these fields to suitable offshore gas storage by utilizing the reservoir voidage and by using the existing pipeline facilities. These storage sites could offer a significant alternative to the current onshore sites located in highly populated urban areas of California.

Water Unloading of Gas Wells Using the Concurrent-Water-Collection Method

By Behrokh Khoshnevis, Mahdi Yoozbashizadeh, Iraj Ershaghi

Society of Petroleum Engineers


In this paper we describe a novel method for water unloading of natural gas wells in mature reservoirs experiencing low reservoir pressures. Current methods for water unloading from gas wells have at least one of the drawbacks of restricting gas production, requiring external energy, using consumable surfactants, or being labor intensive. The proposed design offers a new approach to water unloading that does not restrict or interrupt gas production. It can operate without external energy, and uses no consumables. Virtual and physical simulators have been developed and the full-scale version of the concept has been studied in test wells to demonstrate the feasibility and performance of the new water-unloading concept. An industrial-grade preproduction prototype was tested successfully in a test gas well to validate this study.

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