Youth Council for Climate Action
Apply now to join Mayor Eric Garcetti’s Youth Council for Climate Action. Details from the Mayor’s office below:
Mayor Garcetti’s team is starting to recruit for our second cohort of the Youth Council for Climate Action.
For our first year, last year, we were able to get a great pool of applicants by tapping our networks of climate partners to recommend a few potential applicants. The description and application link is below. We would very much appreciate it if you could share it with 1-2 young people that you believe would make good candidates for the Council.
The application due date is SEPTEMBER 6 and the applicant must live in Los Angeles, be 15-22 years old and meet at least ONE of the following criteria:- Has demonstrated leadership on climate change, environmental issues or environmental justice- Currently studying STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)- Residing in a community negatively impacted by environmental justice issues and disproportionately burdened by multiple sources of pollution (as defined by CalEnviroScreen data as the top 25% scoring area).
MYCCA Description
Climate change is the single biggest threat to our future, and the young people of Los Angeles are on the frontlines, stepping into leadership roles today. To continue to cultivate that leadership, the Mayor’s Youth Council on Climate Action formalizes a leadership role for youth in city government to drive action and advocacy on climate change.
The Council will develop plans and objectives for the year to help drive ambitious climate action, raise awareness, and engage Angelenos on the solutions. Members of the Council will have the opportunity to learn, inform, and take initiative on a number of climate-related topics throughout the year. The Council will also engage with counterparts across the world and serve as a model for collaboration in the global effort to combat the climate emergency.
Meetings will take place once per month during the school year with a few additional offsite visits/virtual engagements. These meetings will take place via Zoom until we can safely meet in person. By the end of the school year, Youth Council members will have gained knowledge about current climate action efforts and kicked off a coordinated campaign with the Mayor’s Office to address climate change and inspire others to join.
Participants will be selected through an application and interview process, and will meet on a monthly basis throughout the 2020 school year. Applications are due by SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2020 at midnight.