Expertise: American Politics and Policy; Political Institutions; Political Representation; the Politics of the Policy-Making Process
Christian Grose is Associate Professor of Political Science and Public Policy at the University of Southern California. He is the Academic Director of the USC Schwarzenegger Institute for State and Global Policy in the USC Price School of Public Policy. He served as the Director of the Political Science and International Relations Ph.D. program in USC Dornsife College from 2015-18.
Christian’s research interests include American politics and policy; political institutions; political representation; the politics of the policy-making process. His research often uses field and survey experimental techniques to answer questions about public policy, political institutions, and elite behavior. He is also an expert in political reform in California, including the top-two primary and the independent redistricting commission. New research examines how environmental policy diffuses and spreads from legislators in one state to other states.
Christian is the author of the award-winning Congress in Black and White: Race and Representation in Washington and at Home(Cambridge University Press). In addition, he has published articles in scholarly journals such as the American Journal of Political Science, the Annual Review of Political Science, the British Journal of Political Science, the Journal of Politics, Legislative Studies Quarterly, and Presidential Studies Quarterly. One of his most recent journal articles “Doubling Down: Inequality in Responsiveness and the Policy Preferences of Elected Officials,” examines legislator responsiveness bias toward Latino constituents and was published in Legislative Studies Quarterly (co-authored with USC Ph.D. Matthew S. Mendez).
Christian received a best book award from the American Political Science Association’s Race, Ethnicity, and Politics section; and a CQ Press award for the best paper on legislative studies presented at the American Political Science Association meeting. He is also a previous recipient of the Carl Albert award for the best dissertation in legislative politics from the American Political Science Association.